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Art History Resources: (Artists, Art Movements, Biographies, Artwork)

Art History: Art Informel: (1950 - 1960)

The term Art Informel was first used in 1952 by French writer, Michel Tapie, the author of the book Un Art autre (Art of Another Kind.) He also organized an exhibition with the same title that included an array of other famous artists including Jean Dubuffet, Willem de Kooning, and Alberto Burri among others. The European movement’s attempt was to define a style of painting that defied the traditional concepts of composition and regulation. It emphasized spontaneity, irrationality, and freedom of form. Similar to the Abstract Expressionism in America, Art Informel is expressive, gestural and innovative.

Artists: (biography & artworks) Related Paintings Reproductions

Hartung, Hans - 1904 - 1989
Mathieu, Georges - 1921 -
Hartung, Hans - 1904 - 1989
Mathieu, Georges - 1921 -


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