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Art History: Barbizon School: (1830 - 1870)

The Barbizon School of French landscape painting derived its named from Barbizon village in northern France, where most of the school’s painters resided. This group of men lead by Theodore Rousseau rejected the classical landscape style and insisted upon direct study from nature. The leaders of the Barbizon school were Georges Michel, Theodore Rousseau, Jean-Francois Miller, and Corot. Considered part of French Realism, the movement was inspired by Constable who advocated making landscape painting a true rendering of nature.

The Barbizon school rejected the Academic tradition and theory in hopes of making a more accurate representation of the countryside. They were devoted to depicting the working class in their paintings, showing the lives of farmers, gravediggers, woodsmen, poachers, and other workers. Their paintings glorified the hard work and lives of their subjects. Some artists chose the subject for social and political reasons, while other simply admired the beauty of their subject. Most Barbizon School painters were rejected from the Paris Salons of their time and therefore were revolting against industrial society in their work. Courbet wished to fight for social justice. However, Millet did not wish to stir revolution but was mainly interested in the land and those who live in the countryside.

The members of the Barbizon school were influential in the development of 17th century Dutch landscapists including Ruisdael, Cuyp, and Hobbema. Barbizon School paintings were popular with late 19th and early 20th century American collectors and also influenced the American painters of this period. The Barbizon School was also influential in the development of Impressionism.

Artists: (biography & artworks) Related Paintings Reproductions

Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille - 1796 - 1875
Daubigny, Charles-Francois - 1817 - 1878
Diaz de la Pena, Narcisse-Virgile - 1807 - 1876
Harpignies, Henri-Joseph - 1819 - 1916
Millet, Jean-Francois - 1814 - 1875
Rousseau, Theodore - 1812 - 1867
Spitzweg, Carl - 1808 - 1885
Troyon, Constant - 1810 - 1865
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille - 1796 - 1875
Daubigny, Charles-Francois - 1817 - 1878
Diaz de la Pena, Narcisse-Virgile - 1807 - 1876
Harpignies, Henri-Joseph - 1819 - 1916
Millet, Jean-Francois - 1814 - 1875
Rousseau, Theodore - 1812 - 1867
Spitzweg, Carl - 1808 - 1885
Troyon, Constant - 1810 - 1865


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