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Art History Resources: (Artists, Art Movements, Biographies, Artwork)

Art History: Camden Town Group: (1911 - 1913)

The Camden Town Group was an organization of British painters that was based in Camden, London. Led by Walter Sickert, the group focused on realist town scenes of daily life and some landscapes, executed in a Post-Impressionist style. Their exhibitions were primarily held at the Carfax Gallery in 1911 and 1912 and were largely unsuccessful. Eventually this failure led to the group’s merger with other artists, particularly the Vorticists, to form the London Group in 1913.

Artists: (biography & artworks) Related Paintings Reproductions

Ginner, Charles - 1878 - 1952
Gore, Spencer - 1878 - 1914
Grant, Duncan - 1885 - 1978
Lamb, Henry - 1883 - 1960
Pissarro, Lucien - 1863 - 1944


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