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Art History Resources: (Artists, Art Movements, Biographies, Artwork)

Art History: Cubism: (1908 - 1920)

The Cubist emphasized a flat, two-dimensional surface and rejected the idea that art should imitate nature, refusing traditional techniques such as perspective, foreshortening, modeling, and chiaroscuro. Spanish painter, Pablo Picasso and French artist Georges Braques in Paris founded the movement before World War I. The movement is considered to have its roots in the work of Post-Impressionist, Paul Cezanne. It also took from African tribal art, reducing everything to cubes and other geometrical forms. Cubist artists depicted drastically fragmented objects, sometimes showing multiple sides simultaneously. Cubism was the forerunner of abstract art.

Artists: (biography & artworks) Related Paintings Reproductions

Archipenko, Alexander - 1887 - 1964
Brancusi, Constantin - 1876 - 1957
Braque, Georges - 1882 - 1963
Colquhoun, Robert - 1914 - 1962
Duchamp-Villon, Raymond - 1876 - 1918
Filla, Emil - 1882 - 1953
Gaudier-Brzeska, Henri - 1891 - 1915
Gleizes, Albert - 1881 - 1953
Goncharova, Natalia - 1881 - 1962
Gris, Juan - 1887 - 1927
Gutfreund, Otto - 1889 - 1927
Larionov, Mikhail - 1881 - 1964
Laurens, Henri - 1885 - 1954
Leger, Fernand - 1881 - 1955
Lempicka, Tamara de - 1898 - 1980
Lhote, Andre - 1885 - 1962
Lipchitz, Jacques - 1891 - 1973
Metzinger, Jean - 1883 - 1956
Picasso, Pablo - 1881 - 1973
Severini, Gino - 1883 - 1966
Villon, Jacques - 1875 - 1963
Zadkine, Ossip - 1890 - 1967


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