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Art History Resources: (Artists, Art Movements, Biographies, Artwork)

Art History: Precisionism: (1920 - 1945)

Precisionism originated in the 1920’s and focused on painting scenes and objects, normally of industrial or mechanical subjects. These subjects were typically abstracted by simplifying them to basic geometric patterns and showing them in clear light. The Precisionist movement had roots in Italian Futurism, a movement that also respected the beauty and power of machinery. The movement emerged after World War I and was mainly popular in the United States. Artists working in this genre believed that the 20th century was dependant on technology and the machine. Therefore, they chose to depict these subjects in a glorifying manner. American Precisionist artists also attempted to show pride in their country during a period of great economic and political struggle—the growing industry in the United States was a symbol of the country’s power and achievements. Precisionism lasted until after World War II.

Artists: (biography & artworks) Related Paintings Reproductions

Crawford, Ralston - 1906 - 1978
Demuth, Charles - 1883 - 1935
Dickinson, Preston - 1891 - 1930
Sheeler, Charles - 1883 - 1965
Crawford, Ralston - 1906 - 1978
Demuth, Charles - 1883 - 1935
Dickinson, Preston - 1891 - 1930
Sheeler, Charles - 1883 - 1965


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