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Art History Resources: (Artists, Art Movements, Biographies, Artwork)

Art History: Suprematism: (1913 - 1919)

Suprematism began in Russia in 1913 with the help of artist Kasimir Malevich. He introduced it to the public in 1915 with his manifesto and exhibition titled "0.10 The Last Futurist Exhibition" held in Petrograd. The Suprematist style aimed to eliminate all natural forms and favored flat geometric patterns that represented emotions rather than objects and supported pure aesthetic creativity. Malevich’s art was produced with pure geometric shapes positioned to only initiate aesthetic feeling and held no allusions to anything social, political, or otherwise. Although the movement was mostly confined to painting, Suprematists used the theory to create textiles, typography, and architectural structures in addition to painting and sculpture. In 1918, Suprematism was replaced by Constructivism.

Artists: (biography & artworks) Related Paintings Reproductions

Lissitzky, El - 1890 - 1941
Malevich, Kasimir - 1978 - 1935


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